Fundraising Update: Wing Walk

In our March update we outlined forthcoming fundraising activity including potential marathon running, hill climbing and the inaugural Stevie Stones Wing Walk!

Our lovely supporters have been busy raising the money needed to secure the aircraft and use of the airfield for the day, which promises to be an action packed day out for all. More importantly the event provides an opportunity to generate income for the charity which has grown and the number of people seeking our services similarly increasing. We’ve got the aircraft for our use on 7 Jun 2023. All support welcomed; the event will be held at RFC Rendcomb Airfield, The Ops Room, The Whiteway, Cirencester, Glos GL7 7DF. More details about Aero Super Batics can be found on their webpage:

We set the brave souls undertaking this task a target of £800 which is the approximate cost of a headstone. We are delighted to be able to report that most have made it, however, there is still time to donate to these hardy souls who will be performing feats such as those seen in the image above.

You can find various worthy fundraising efforts here:

To help Glen:  Fundraiser by Glen Brookes : Glen does a Charity Wing Walk! (

To help Shelly: Crowdfunding to Stevie Stones was a charity that was set up in memory of my neice. The charity provided headstones for grieving parents on JustGiving

To help Lauren: Fundraiser by Lauren Chadwick : Wing walk for Stevie Stones (

To help Donna: Crowdfunding to help to give all parents access to funds to help provide a headstone for their child. on JustGiving

Just to remind all of our supporters and visitors that every single penny raised is given directly to our service users; people who need us the most. Thank you to everybody who helps to keep us going.

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