About Us

Stevie Stones was founded in 2021 on the back of the tragic death of Stevie Graham, the beloved daughter of Barri and Naomi Graham.
On completion of the registration forms required to complete the service and burial, the Graham’s were able to enlist the help of Stonemasons of Worcester to design a headstone which captured the essence of their daughter and became a permanent feature to allow for a focus during subsequent visits to the cemetery.
It was during one of these visits that Barri noticed that a number of neighbouring plots where other unfortunate children were laid to rest had no headstone or marker in some circumstances.
When Barri visited Stevie’s headstone he noticed that a number of neighbouring plots, where other unfortunate children were laid to rest had no headstone or marker in some circumstances. Older plots had overgrown entirely and appeared to be vacant space.
The harrowing truth was that the space was not vacant; instead, the parents of that deceased child had likely not had the means to provide for a headstone or similar and so the environment had simply regained the plot.
A further visit saw a new plot being cleared for a future burial; a decision was made there and then that no parent at this cemetery (and beyond) would ever go without a headstone.
Stevie Stones was born.
The aim of the charity is to ensure that all parents have access to funding to provide a headstone for their child and alleviate financial stresses in the most difficult of circumstances.
All parents should have the opportunity to have a headstone which captures their thoughts about their lost child. Furthermore, the charity has founded a support network for parents who find themselves in this unfortunate position.
We have established a network of parents and relatives who have been affected by these issues and want to provide whatever support or guidance we can.
Our support extends to parents who lost their children in the past but have never been able to afford a memorial.
In Dec 2022 Stevie Stones was recognised as an official charity. Since then we have partnered with numerous other organisations and institutions to help connect people who need support to reach the right people.