Who are we

Barri-Jon Graham & Naomi Graham

We are Stevie’s parents and the founders of her charity. During her short stay with us, she lit up our lives and provided us with so many good memories. When she very sadly passed and we were faced with the prospect of capturing her essence in a memorial we found the process to have a healing effect and allowed us to keep parenting our daughter. Once we completed the ceremony which saw her laid to rest we noticed that some other children buried close by had no memorial and had almost been lost to time. We would not allow that to happen again: Stevie Stones was founded. Now we want to make sure that all parents, wherever they are, have access to funding to allow them to memorialise their own children. In doing so we assure Stevie’s legacy is secured and her name brings something good to somebody else’s worst time.

Lucy Bassett 

Ex-Army captain, currently working in the financial sector. Mum and step-mum to 3 wonderful children, part-time artist and creative. Stevie Stones means a lot to me. Providing support to families during some of the worst times is an act of deep compassion, and I am very proud to be involved as a trustee.

John Bassett

After 23 years in the Armed Forces, I am now working as a security consultant. A father of three who needs more time in the day for hobbies once the kids are asleep. My family is everything and so important to everything I do. I wanted to be involved with Stevie Stones from the very start. Nothing can hurt more than losing a child. Being able to support a charity that can provide bereaved families with a lasting memorial to their little one is truly one of the most noble causes I could ever think of.

Mike Graham

Currently working in recruitment with a vast amount of experience working in a number of different sectors. Not afraid to get my hands dirty and help people when they really need it.
Stevie Stones is deeply personal to me. Stevie was my niece and a good friend to my own two children. Supporting this charity as they help people in the worst of situations has been important to help me support my brother and Stevie’s legacy. I can bring my previous experience to help in what we are trying to achieve.

Your donation can make a difference!

The aim of the charity is to ensure that all parents have access to funding to provide a headstone for their child and alleviate financial stresses in the most difficult of circumstances.