We were nominated then shortlisted for an award as Charity or Community Contributor of the year, which culminated in an awards night for the Midlands Service Excellence awards 2023. Just to be nominated was an incredible achievement when considered against how quickly our charity moved from conceptual to being founded and made official. Some of the other nominees were an inspiring collection of regional and national charities and community programmes, all of which were worthy in their own right of their place at the awards.

Sadly we did not win the award, though lost out to a wonderful charity: Molly Ollys. They are a charity founded by parents in the aftermath of the loss of their daughter and provide a brilliant service to make a wish come true for very special children. The connection made here was invaluable and we have already started to make a difference to people who need the support we can provide. More importantly we’ve made a connection to friends and we can help to provide holistic support to parents who need it.

Finally, we’ve adjusted the donations process on the webpage. The previously listed Go Fund Me has gone and is replaced by a PayPal Charities donation page. We will be keeping the Go Fund Me page live for a brief period to allow adjustment to any pages which have listed our crowdfunding.
Thank you all once again for your support; every last donation makes a difference and you are helping to make somebody’s day brighter.