Find out the answers to the most asked questions
Do you give money to individuals directly?
No. In most circumstances we will work with parents or whoever is trying to source funding for a headstone/memorial and then guide them through the process of selecting and ordering their headstone/memorial. Once a design and wording is chosen the overall costs will be considered before payment to the Stonemasons directly is undertaken.
Do I have to pay any money?
That depends on overall costs. We recognise that headstones are expensive so we will cover all costs where possible. The charity will be able to provide full support to a certain cost. Any figure close to £800 can be directly supported. If your chosen headstone is more expensive we can negotiate on what kind of additional support is needed and determine how to help.
Why are you doing this?
Our daughter, Stevie, gained her wings at 3 Years Old and we are fortunate enough to mark her resting place with a headstone. We want all parents to have access to this as we know it helped us. Please read the news articles and “About Us” page on this site for more.
Which Stonemasons should I use?
You can use any Stonemason you choose. Our daughters headstone was made by the wonderful team at Stonemason’s of Worcester who have very kindly provided Stevie Stones with a blanket discount on all orders made through this charity. If you are not sure about whom to use if you are not within reach of Worcestershire then please contact us directly for support.
Do you offer other support other than with costs?
As parents to an angel we have experienced and continue to live with the pain of loss. We are more than willing and able to support you if you are going through the same and remain available to provide support where required which includes signposting to professional services which may help.
We’ve started a Crowdfunding page to help us reach our goal – will Stevie Stones donate?
Unfortunately, we cannot do that as it sits outside of the arrangements outlined within our constitution. In effect this would be us like donating money directly to parents which we cannot currently do.
We have found a memorial already but cannot afford it – will you help?
We take every case on its own individual merits. Stevie Stones exists to provide parents with a memorial where there would otherwise be nothing in place.
Whilst we fully understand every parent’s desire to have the best of everything for their children; we cannot contribute to more expensive purchases where circumstances are such that a less expensive option is possible without our support.
In simple terms, if you have your heart set on a more expensive option and have disregarded a less expensive option then we are unlikely to be able to fully support that case.
How much do you provide?
In most circumstances we will contribute up to £800 depending on the specifications of the memorial sought. For cremation plaques that amount will be less owing to the reduction in costs involved. That will either entirely cover or provide the majority of the costs of a headstone.