Charity Ball 2024 with Sands

In 2024 we are teaming up with Sands United FC in Worcester to bring you a Charity Ball! The date has now been set for 9 Aug 2024 (Timings subject to change and confirmation). The event will include dinner and drinks as well as a full evening of entertainment and fundraising activity. We are actively […]

Toy Drop & Litter Pick

Every year on Stevie’s birthday since she passed we have organised a litter pick at some of her favourite places including public parks and spaces where children go to play. We’ve also managed to complete a toy drop on her Birthday to make sure that some of Stevie’s love makes it to other children and […]

Installations and Ongoing Support

We love writing about the great work that people are doing to fundraise or support our charity. This helps us to support parents when they need us the most. Since we have founded we have helped dozens of people to ensure that their children can be remembered and provide a memorial or something similar. We’ve […]

Wing Walk 2024

In 2024 Stevie Stones will once again be hosting a Wing Walk to raise funds and showcase the bravery of our supporters! The 2023 inaugural event was a resounding success with over £10,000 raised by participants. If you would like to participate then please let us know. There are limited places available and we have […]

Cardiff Half Marathon

Massive thanks to our wonderful supporters from 74 Company based in Newport. On 2 October the team from 74 Company undertook a half marathon in Cardiff to raise money for Stevie Stones. Whilst any fundraising feat and endurance event is noteworthy, we think it is fair to say that the participants of this event were […]